

▪ Customized treatment plan and consulting

Oral hygiene treatment

Digital X-ray diagnostic system

Aesthetic dentistry

Dental whitening

Root canal treatment

Dental surgery – implantology

Tooth bed (periodontal) illness treatment



Oral hygiene treatment


We put a strong emphasis on the establishment of appropriate oral hygiene in the fields of both prevention and therapy. Healthy gum and tooth bed are the starting points for the commencement of further treatments.

Expert hands remove saburra and tartar that cause inflammation and then we teach you how to select and use various dental care products.

Consulting RoomServicesPricesGuaranteeContactPartners
1022 Budapest, Bimbó út 5. fszt. 1.cimTel.: +36 1 786 8443cimMobil: +36 20 345 4114 cime-mail: